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16 Courses

The Mother Wound
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Student: Mitchell Brice

The Mother Wound

Let us gently, with no judgment, free ourselves and live on our own terms

1. Touch and connect

2. Separate Little Birdie and Impinged-Upon Adults

3. Taking responsibility for our caregivers & Why we cannot talk about our hurts and needs - the REAL reason 

Note: For the price in Rands, please contact support

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What makes a good relationship? - SELF DRIVE
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What makes a good relationship? - SELF DRIVE

Let’s tick the boxes, and change our relationships to next-level, mutually supported, connected and joyful!

For most relationships this means an outlook change in how we see our roles, and our partner’s roles.

Well worth it, as the outcome is, oh, so sweet!

Join this 2 Hour Masterclass, with notes, worksheet and Q&A live. Replay available, but Q&A only available on live, so prioritize this to get your personal, burning questions answered

Note: For the price in Rands, please contact support

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4 Day Self Worth Challenge - SELF DRIVE
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Student: Mitchell BriceStudent: Deb GoodStudent: Qaim Raza TM

4 Day Self Worth Challenge - SELF DRIVE

If you prefer doing this on your own, here you go!

Increasing your Self Worth is the place to start, the biggest gift to yourself!

NOTE: For the price in Rands, please contact support

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11 Days To Transform Your Limiting Beliefs - SELF DRIVE
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Student: Mitchell BriceStudent: Deb GoodStudent: Qaim Raza TM

11 Days To Transform Your Limiting Beliefs - SELF DRIVE

NOTE: For the price in Rands, please contact support

Limiting Beliefs are... Limiting!
How would it be if you could raise your potential to limitless? Let's find out!!! The 11-day interactive Online Challenge will change how you view yourself and how you navigate life, and it is now available as a Self-Drive course that you can do on your own time.

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Unstoppable Self Esteem - SELF DRIVE
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Student: Mitchell Brice

Unstoppable Self Esteem - SELF DRIVE

A positive sense of who we are is the one thing in life that smooths over our path more than anything else. It is the quality that makes you interact better with others and that magically draws people to you.
It is the fuel inside you that boosts you to achieve those things you want for yourself.

Note: For the price in Rands, please contact support

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Boundaries Masterclass Bundle- SELF DRIVE
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Student: Mitchell BriceStudent: Lata Seeraj

Boundaries Masterclass Bundle- SELF DRIVE

Boundaries are amazing things but if we don’t do it right and we don’t know how to have difficult conversations or we still have a lot of uncomfortable reactions inside ourselves we may easily end up in the messy middle. So if you want to be self-respecting and have a better relationship with everyone around you it is going to need boundaries for sure. In order to avoid as much as we possibly can of the messy middle attend this masterclass so that you can have better skills to navigate through it and get through it faster and easier.

Note: For the price in Rands, please contact support

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Messy Relationships - SELF DRIVE
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Messy Relationships - SELF DRIVE

Why do you need this relationship?

Note: For the price in Rands, please contact support

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Unmet Needs and Trauma Dramas - SELF DRIVE
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Unmet Needs and Trauma Dramas - SELF DRIVE

Unmet Needs & Trauma Dramas 

Note: For the price in Rands, please contact support

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Feeling Our Feelings - SELF DRIVE
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Feeling Our Feelings - SELF DRIVE

Why we fear our feelings?

Note: For the price in Rands, please contact support

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Most of us have no clue that we are codependent, or even what it really is. Yet, it will affect our daily lives in a million ways: some will be small niggles, other effects will accumulate and can be devastating to us and our relationships.

Note: For the price in Rands, please contact support

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Inner Child Healing with Typologies - Self Drive
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Student: Mitchell Brice

Inner Child Healing with Typologies - Self Drive

Hero or Scapegoat?

Where do you fit in?

How can you use your typology strengths to change the typology traits that are harming you?

Define your personalized plan for taking charge of your strengths and eliminating your drawbacks.

Note: For the price in Rands, please contact support

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Disarming Generational Trauma - SELF DRIVE
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Student: Mitchell Brice

Disarming Generational Trauma - SELF DRIVE

Disarming Generational Trauma for yourself, your relationships, and your family: 

How we don't know that we are carrying it; why it is essential that we understand it and how to transform it into an asset.

Note: For the price in Rands, please contact support

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You are not your history: 4-week Journaling Challenge SELF DRIVE
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Student: Mitchell Brice

You are not your history: 4-week Journaling Challenge SELF DRIVE

4 Week Journaling Challenge

Note: For the price in Rands, please contact support

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Avoidance of conflict - Self Drive Masterclass
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Avoidance of conflict - Self Drive Masterclass

Are you the one Avoiding Conflict?

Are you living with a Conflict Avoider?

Note: For the price in Rands, please contact support

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SELF DRIVE 3 days Passion & Purpose Challenge
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SELF DRIVE 3 days Passion & Purpose Challenge

Note: For the price in Rands, please contact support

Who am I even?

What is my passion?

My purpose?

Find your unexpected internal answers with the help of the worksheets, questions, self-investigating and live support sessions

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